What Does the Road Accident Fund Cover?

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Based on the cases our lawyers have dealt with, we have identified all items that RAF will cover after you have been in an accident.

Here are 15 items the Road Accident Fund (RAF) will cover:

  • RAF will cover all your medical costs such as hospital bills, surgeries, and rehabilitation.
  • RAF will cover your emergency transport to the hospital
  • RAF will cover all your expected future medical needs due to injuries, provided that there is a report from a medical doctor.
  • If your accident injuries will prevent you from working temporarily or permanently, you will qualify for a “loss of earnings” payout.
  • If a person dies from an accident, financial assistance for the dependents of a deceased victim will receive RAF payout.
  • RAF will cover all your medical costs, including hospital bills, surgeries, and rehabilitation.
  • RAF will cover your emergency transport to the hospital.
  • RAF will cover your expected future medical needs due to injuries, as long as there’s a report from a doctor.
  • If your accident injuries prevent you from working temporarily or permanently, you’ll get a “loss of earnings” payout.
  • If a person dies from an accident, RAF will provide financial assistance to the dependents of the deceased.
  • RAF will help cover funeral expenses if the accident results in death.
  • RAF will pay for pain and suffering if you suffer serious injuries that cause physical pain.
  • RAF will cover emotional trauma you experience due to the accident.
  • If you are left disabled, RAF will help pay for changes needed in your home.
  • RAF will cover costs for things like wheelchairs, crutches, or prosthetics if needed due to injuries.
  • If you need long-term care because of severe injuries from the accident, RAF will help pay for home nursing or care facilities.
  • RAF will pay for counselling for you and your family if needed after the accident.
  • If your injury affects your career growth, RAF may pay you for this loss.
  • RAF will pay if you lose quality of life because of lasting injuries from the accident.
  • RAF may help with legal fees if you need a lawyer to make your claim.

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NB: RAF has a strict time limit of three years in which to submit a claim from the date of the accident

NB: RAF has a strict time limit of three years in which to submit a claim from the date of the accident

NB: Please ensure your Cell Number is Correct.


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Disclaimer: We are not a government or RAF-affiliated organisation. RAFLawyers.org is an independent platform dedicated to providing South Africans with access to qualified RAF claim lawyers.

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